Saturday, August 13, 2011

My First Rodeo

That's right, I am 26 and I have never been to a rodeo until now.  I've never really liked things that are strongly associated with country music.  I realize that it's silly (especially since I help teach country swing every once and a while), I am changing, slow as it may be.

So last night Ben, Susan and I attended the Cache County Rodeo.  To be honest, it wasn't bad.  I wish that the events there lasted longer than 7 seconds, but I guess that is the way it is.  Luckily Susan was there and was able to explain some of the events and their rules to me.  The events that they had their were (if I get these names wrong I'm sorry): Saddled Bucking Horse Riding, Calf Roping, Bareback Bucking Horse Riding, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding.

My favorite events were the bareback horse riding, mainly because all the guys but one stayed on and it seemed as though the horses were really moving on that one.  I thought the team roping was cool and looked especially difficult.  In it one guy had to lasso the head or horns of the steer and the other guy had to lasso at least two of the legs.  The guy doing the lassoing on the legs had to be super accurate, only two teams even got it and both of their times were 7 seconds.  I also found the Barrel Racing to be cool, you could tell that it was more than just being able to ride a horse fast but these girls also had to train their horses extremely well.  The girls that had horses that rounded the barrels without hesitation won.

Riata Ranch Girl riding sideways
My other favorite part of the rodeo were the trick riding girls.  I believe that they were called the Riata Ranch cowgirls.  Oh man, they were amazing.  These girls were riding standing up, sideways, hanging with one foot, bent over backwards, and while doing flips around the horse's necks.  Not only was it cool looking, it was an amazing show of gymnastic talent and horse training expertise.  All of us were like "this was the coolest thing they showed us."

So, that was my first rodeo, I enjoyed it.  Hope you all enjoyed this.  Remember I love to read a comment.



Nichol Family said...

I love that you went to the rodeo and enjoyed it!

Shantel said...

I do enjoy a good rodeo now and then. The trick horses are awesome - they are always my favorite part. (Along with the barrel racing.)

Celeste Louise said...

i can't believe you've never been to a rodeo before this one. I love rodeos even though I dislike country music and western movies. =)

Charlie said...

Glad you had fun now you just need to learn to like country music :)