Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cameron Recommends: Popcorn at a Movie

Yep, that is right, I am writing about popcorn today. But first check out this awesome video I found of a popcorn kernel popping in super slow motion.
Cool, right? Anyways, now that we have that out of our way, down to business. Popcorn is a movie goers favorite snack. Everybody knows this. The question is, why? For most people, I don't know. I love it because it is so darn tasty. I mean, popcorn is by far my favorite snack of all time. However, I think it goes deeper than that, it goes back to my roots. 

My family has always been big into movies, especially ever since my dad was put in a wheelchair. It is something that we all love and can all talk about. Even at times when things are a little tense or awkward at home, we can talk about movies. As a kid, getting popcorn (generally the microwave stuff) was a treat. My parents would go out and I'd be babysitting and get permission to cook some and watch a film with my little brothers. Those are great memories I have, just chilling with my brothers, enjoying movies and popcorn. 

So go pop yourself some popcorn, or get some at the next movie you go out to see. Maybe it can compliment some fond memories of your own. 


Sara said...

Mm. Popcorn. Good idea! :)

Shantel said...

I seriously love popcorn! I'm glad you feel the same way.